How secure is your business’s website? Have you had a recent security checkup?

Have you had a recent security checkup? Don’t wait until your website is hacked to begin assessing your website security.

NetXQ, with over 20 years of expertise in providing security solutions for businesses, applies dependable cybersecurity best practices to websites. Even if you’ve been hacked, NetXQ can transfer your website to our secure hosting environment, add WordPress security software, and monitor your website for security threats.


When you employ website wecurity services from NetXQ, we keep your website safe by repairing, removing, or modifying website files as needed. If necessary, we actively notify you of potential security-related issues. As part of our website wervices, NetXQ includes blacklist monitoring and unlimited malware removal.

NetXQ utilizes security monitoring tools when building and maintaining websites. Through these tools, NetXQ can conduct security audits and malware scans—combined endpoint firewalls and malware scanners to provide a dependable, efficient website security solution.


Determining the cost of website security and maintenance services begins with a free general website assessment. This provides NetXQ with a baseline for determining the amount of work required to begin website security services. In addition, when determining the cost of website security and maintenance services, NetXQ considers the age of the website, required plugins, number of webpages, and the required amount of ongoing maintenance. For more information, contact us.


NetXQ specializes in building modern, SEO-friendly websites primarily using the wordPress content management system. As an added service to NetXQ’s website development services, we offer ongoing website maintenance, which includes updates to wordPress, plugins, and security monitoring tools.

Technology is a fast-paced industry. Developers are consistently updating wordPress plugins and themes—there’s an ongoing need to implement new designs, add new features, and update code for security precautions. Over time, certain plugins and themes might stop receiving updates. Unsupported plugins and themes are extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks, since the code is no longer being revised when hackers uncover vulnerabilities. As part of NetXQ’s website maintenance agreement, we monitor plugins for updates and implement substitutions when they’re no longer supported.


NetXQ assesses website security as part of our free general website assessment. During this assessment, NetXQ examines the security of your website from a customer-facing standpoint. We assess your website to uncover security vulnerabilities that make your website an easy target for hackers.

NetXQ’s general website assessment includes the following:
1. Basic Security Scan

We conduct an automated, general security scan to determine a user’s general risk when browsing your website. Following the scan, we will be able to determine if users are at a low, medium, or high-level risk when accessing your website.

3. Forms

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